Generating and Installing Signing-Certificates for Identity Server

  • identityserver
  • certificates
  • makecert
  • pvk2pfx

A development implementation of an Identity Server (found in almost all examples online) uses a Temporary Signing Certificate to sign the JWT tokens. A temporary key is created every time the identity server is restarted. A new signing certificate makes all the tokens generated before invalid. In a production environment however, you want the tokens to be valid after a re-deploy of the identity server. So the signing certificate should be constant. In this post I’d show you how to create and use such self signed certificates.

Getting the Tools Ready

We are going to use makecert and pvk2pfx utilities to create a pair of certificates. These two executables are found in “Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 8.1”, downloadable from here.

The executables are found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86. Open a command prompt and navigate to this folder. We are going to execute some commands there.

Generating x509 Certificates Ready for Identity Server

We will need a Certificate Authority and a Personal Information Exchange (that contains a Private Key and a Public Key).

  • The Private Key is used to sign the JWT tokens
  • The Public Key is exposed to the clients, so that they can validate the JWTs.
  1. Create a Certificate Authority and a Private Key

makecert -n "CN=IdentityServerCN" -a sha256 -sv IdentityServer4Auth.pvk -r IdentityServer4Auth.cer

  1. Store the Private Key and the Public Key in a Personal Information Exchange

pvk2pfx -pvk IdentityServer4Auth.pvk -spc IdentityServer4Auth.cer -po -pfx IdentityServer4Auth.pfx

Now you should have the following three files.

  • IdentityServer4Auth.pvk
  • IdentityServer4Auth.cer
  • IdentityServer4Auth.pfx

Let’s go ahead and use them.

Installing and Using Certificates

Identity Server 4 can retrieve these certificates in two alternative ways.

  1. Grab them from the certificate file directly
  2. Grab them from the MMC (Microsoft Management Console)

Using Certs from File

The most simplest. You can save the pfx file on a folder. Let’s say C:\workspace\keys\.

I have created an extension to configure the certificates.


public static void AddCertificateFromFile(
    this IIdentityServerBuilder builder, 
    IConfigurationSection options, 
    ILogger logger)
    var keyFilePath = options.GetValue<string>(KeyFilePath);
    var keyFilePassword = options.GetValue<string>(KeyFilePassword);

    if (File.Exists(keyFilePath))
        logger.LogDebug($"SigninCredentialExtension adding key from file {keyFilePath}");
        // You can simply add this line in the Startup.cs if you don't want an extension. 
        // This is neater though ;)
        builder.AddSigningCredential(new X509Certificate2(keyFilePath, keyFilePassword));
        logger.LogError($"SigninCredentialExtension cannot find key file {keyFilePath}");

Here’s the config above code uses.


"SigninKeyCredentials": {
    "KeyFilePath": "C:\workspace\keys\IdentityServer4Auth.pfx",
    "KeyFilePassword": "ourpassword"


var identityServerBuilder = services.AddIdentityServer()
    .AddSigninCredentialFromConfig(Configuration.GetSection("SigninKeyCredentials"), Logger);

Installing Certs in Local Machine using MMC

Certificates are sensitive files and thus keeping them in the file system may not be a good idea. A better way to approach that is to import the certificate to the Machine Certificate Store using MMC.

  1. Start -> Run -> mmc.exe enter
  2. File -> Add or Remove Snap-ins -> Certificates -> Add -> Computer Account -> OK
  3. Import the certificate (.cer) to personal -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities)
  4. Import the pfx, with exportable private key support, to personal -> certificates.

Now you have installed the certificates to the Machine Certificate Store.

Simplar to above, I have created an extension to configure this.


private static void AddCertificateFromStore(
    IIdentityServerBuilder builder, 
    IConfigurationSection options, 
    ILogger logger)
    var keyIssuer = options.GetValue<string>(KeyStoreIssuer);
    logger.LogDebug($"SigninCredentialExtension adding key from store by {keyIssuer}");

    X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

    var certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByIssuerName, keyIssuer, true);

    if (certificates.Count > 0)
        logger.LogError("A matching key couldn't be found in the store");


 "SigninKeyCredentials": {
    "KeyStoreIssuer": "IdentityServerCN"


var identityServerBuilder = services.AddIdentityServer()
    .AddCertificateFromStore(Configuration.GetSection("SigninKeyCredentials"), Logger);

Alternatively, you can make it configurable to use certificates either from file or from store. You can then configure differently for your local development and build servers.

I have a setup like below, where I can use either based on the configuration.


using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

namespace IdentityServerWithAspNetIdentity.Config
    /// <summary>
    /// Impl of adding a signin key for identity server 4,
    /// with an appsetting.json configuration look similar to:
    /// "SigninKeyCredentials": {
    ///     "KeyType": "KeyFile",
    ///     "KeyFilePath": "C:\\certificates\\idsv4.pfx",
    ///     "KeyStorePath": ""
    /// }
    /// </summary>
    public static class SigninCredentialExtension
        private const string KeyType = "KeyType";
        private const string KeyTypeKeyFile = "KeyFile";
        private const string KeyTypeKeyStore = "KeyStore";
        private const string KeyTypeTemporary = "Temporary";
        private const string KeyFilePath = "KeyFilePath";
        private const string KeyFilePassword = "KeyFilePassword";
        private const string KeyStoreIssuer = "KeyStoreIssuer";

        public static IIdentityServerBuilder AddSigninCredentialFromConfig(
            this IIdentityServerBuilder builder, IConfigurationSection options, ILogger logger)
            string keyType = options.GetValue<string>(KeyType);
            logger.LogDebug($"SigninCredentialExtension keyType is {keyType}");

            switch (keyType)
                case KeyTypeTemporary:
                    logger.LogDebug($"SigninCredentialExtension adding Temporary Signing Credential");

                case KeyTypeKeyFile:
                    AddCertificateFromFile(builder, options, logger);

                case KeyTypeKeyStore:
                    AddCertificateFromStore(builder, options, logger);

            return builder;

        private static void AddCertificateFromStore(IIdentityServerBuilder builder, 
            IConfigurationSection options, ILogger logger)
            var keyIssuer = options.GetValue<string>(KeyStoreIssuer);
            logger.LogDebug($"SigninCredentialExtension adding key from store by {keyIssuer}");

            X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

            var certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByIssuerName, keyIssuer, true);

            if (certificates.Count > 0)
                logger.LogError("A matching key couldn't be found in the store");

        private static void AddCertificateFromFile(IIdentityServerBuilder builder, 
            IConfigurationSection options, ILogger logger)
            var keyFilePath = options.GetValue<string>(KeyFilePath);
            var keyFilePassword = options.GetValue<string>(KeyFilePassword);

            if (File.Exists(keyFilePath))
                logger.LogDebug($"SigninCredentialExtension adding key from file {keyFilePath}");
                builder.AddSigningCredential(new X509Certificate2(keyFilePath, keyFilePassword));
                logger.LogError($"SigninCredentialExtension cannot find key file {keyFilePath}");

Have fun!

Written on June 30, 2017